Reap the full potential of Allegro with My Allegro - customize, control, benefit! is a popular Polish auction portal that offers a wide selection of products at attractive prices. On this platform, buyers have the opportunity to find everything they need - from electronics and clothing to furniture and home goods. The site provides convenient and secure online shopping for millions of people in Poland.
Thanks to Any user can easily list their item for sale, making the portal open to everyone. Whether you are an individual seller or a company, you gain the opportunity to reach a wide range of potential customers and increase your chances of making a sale. It's ideal for people who want to make money on unneeded items.
Additionally, offers many additional services and facilities. Thanks to the gift card, you can make a loved one a special gift by giving them the opportunity to choose from a variety of interesting products. In addition, thanks to Allegro mobile app, users can use the portal on their smartphones and tablets wherever they are. And if you have any questions or need help, you can always contact customer service, which is there to support and resolve any doubts.
What it is for Moje Allegro?
My Allegro is used to personalize and manage a user's account on the Allegro platform. It provides the ability to customize shopping settings, track orders, save favorite searches and manage personal information. With My Allegro, users can increase their convenience and control when using Allegro, customizing their shopping processes to their preferences and receiving notifications of interesting offers and promotions.
What gives Moje Allegro?
My Allegro offers a number of benefits to users. It provides the ability to personalize the shopping experience, allowing users to customize their account settings, search preferences and watch lists. Users can also track orders, manage payments, communicate with other users and manage ratings and comments. My Allegro provides convenience and control, allowing you to focus on finding the best deals and making your shopping processes more efficient.
Benefits Moje Allegro
In addition, My Allegro provides easy access to purchase history, favorite searches, and offers and promotions tailored to the user's interests.
The benefits of using My Allegro are:
- Personalization: My Allegro allows you to customize your account settings and shopping preferences for a personalized shopping experience.
- Easy management: users can track orders, manage payments and delivery addresses, and control purchase history all in one place.
- Notifications: With My Allegro, users receive notifications of interesting deals, promotions and completed auctions, so they don't miss out on opportunities.
- Watch List: My Allegro allows you to create and manage a list of watched items, making it easier to track prices and availability of interesting products.
- Easy access to data: My Allegro gives users full access to their personal data, ratings, comments and other account-related information, providing convenience and control over their own data.
Step-by-step registration
Registering with My Allegro is quick and easy. To register, simply go to and click on the "Create an account" option.
Here are the steps for registering in My Allegro:
- Go to
- Click on the "Create an account" option on the top navigation bar.
- Choice: Ordinary Account - Account for individual customers or Company Account - Account for business customers.
- Your age. With this information, we can show you offers that are suitable for you. I am less than 18 years old or I am 18 years old or older.
- On the registration page, enter your email address and come up with a secure password
- Also choose your preferred way of logging in, be it with your Allegro account, Google account or Facebook.
- Fill in your contact information such as name, surname, phone number, delivery address, etc.
- Read and accept My Allegro's terms and conditions and privacy policy.
After completing the registration form, click on the "Create an account" or "Register" button and you're done! You can now use My Allegro, customizing your settings, managing your transactions and enjoying all the features available on the Allegro platform.
Are you satisfied with the proposed range of products?
We sent you an email. We sent an email with an activation link to your email address. Go to mail, confirm your email address and complete your registration. Email didn't arrive? Send again. Not your email address? Correct the email.
Before you start your first purchases, complete the account registration for this email address. You have 24 hours to do so. After this time, the link will no longer be active.
Confirm that it is you
To take advantage of Allegro Smart! for Start, confirm activation with your phone.
Fill in the delivery address
Fill in the data now or during the purchase. The address will be saved as the default, but it is possible to add a new address during the purchase.
What products do you buy?
Select your favorite categories. This way you will see the offerings tailored to you.
Your payments
What payment methods do you want to pay on Allegro? You can choose several methods.
It's cheaper in the app!
Download the app and pay less with extra Coins. Only in the application will you get:
- Up to 10 Coins for new users.
- Additional Coins for purchasing selected offers.
- Coins for purchases from Super SellersSuper Seller Icon.
Sign in
By logging in to Allegro you accept the Terms and Conditions in the current wording in effect from 9.05.2023. Information about planned and archival changes to the Terms and Conditions is available on the site.
5 free deliveries
No commitment - you don't have to plug in your card. The service will be valid for 3 months, then you decide what to do next. You will gain:
- 5 free delivery. For purchases from: PLN 45 to parcel machines and pick-up points, PLN 65 by courier.
- Tick icon for free returns.
- Tick icon access to offers at lower prices.
Password recovery
Don't remember your password? Just enter your username or email and we will help you set a new password. After resetting your password, you can log in to My Allegro using your new password and enjoy full access to your account.
If you have difficulty recovering your password, we recommend that you contact Allegro customer service for further assistance and support.
Purchase history
You currently have no purchases made.
Linki- Kaszewski, Krzysztof. "Co niezadowolony klient pisze o sprzedawcy? Analiza komentarzy negatywnych w serwisie Allegro. pl." Poradnik Językowy 01 (2014): 81-90.
- Allegro pl
- Allegro (portal internetowy)
☑ Jakie korzyści oferuje Moje Allegro?
Moje Allegro oferuje personalizację ustawień konta, śledzenie zamówień, powiadomienia o promocjach, listę obserwowanych przedmiotów i łatwy dostęp do danych użytkownika.
☑ Jak zarejestrować się w Moje Allegro?
Aby zarejestrować się w Moje Allegro, należy przejść na stronę, kliknąć na "Załóż konto" i wypełnić formularz rejestracyjny, podając niezbędne dane oraz akceptując regulamin.
☑ Czy korzystanie z Moje Allegro jest bezpieczne?
Tak, korzystanie z Moje Allegro jest bezpieczne. Platforma zapewnia ochronę danych osobowych użytkowników i stosuje środki bezpieczeństwa, takie jak szyfrowanie połączenia SSL.
☑ Czy można zarządzać danymi osobowymi w Moje Allegro?
Tak, w Moje Allegro użytkownicy mają możliwość zarządzania swoimi danymi osobowymi, w tym informacjami kontaktowymi, adresem dostawy i preferencjami zakupowymi.
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☑ Jakie korzyści oferuje Moje Allegro?
Moje Allegro oferuje personalizację ustawień konta, śledzenie zamówień, powiadomienia o promocjach, listę obserwowanych przedmiotów i łatwy dostęp do danych użytkownika.
☑ Jak zarejestrować się w Moje Allegro?
Aby zarejestrować się w Moje Allegro, należy przejść na stronę, kliknąć na "Załóż konto" i wypełnić formularz rejestracyjny, podając niezbędne dane oraz akceptując regulamin.
☑ Czy korzystanie z Moje Allegro jest bezpieczne?
Tak, korzystanie z Moje Allegro jest bezpieczne. Platforma zapewnia ochronę danych osobowych użytkowników i stosuje środki bezpieczeństwa, takie jak szyfrowanie połączenia SSL.
☑ Czy można zarządzać danymi osobowymi w Moje Allegro?
Tak, w Moje Allegro użytkownicy mają możliwość zarządzania swoimi danymi osobowymi, w tym informacjami kontaktowymi, adresem dostawy i preferencjami zakupowymi.