Auchan Personal Account for Customers

Auchan in Hungary is part of the international hypermarket chain owned by the French company Auchan Retail. In Hungary, Auchan operates a network of large hypermarkets offering a wide range of products, including groceries, household appliances, electronics, clothing, and much more. The company aims to provide goods at competitive prices and frequently uses various promotions and discounts to attract customers.

The platform uses HTTPS data encryption technology from your browser to the site -

6 reasons to register in the personal account

Registering for a personal account on the Auchan Hungary website offers numerous benefits. Here are six main reasons why it’s worth doing:

  1. Convenience of online shopping;
  2. Exclusive offers and discounts in the mobile application;
  3. Personalized recommendations;
  4. Order tracking;
  5. Loyalty program;
  6. Manage personal data, settings, online customer support service.

Personal Account on the Website

The personal account on the website is a personalized section of the site, available only to registered users. It allows access to a range of features and benefits that make the shopping process more convenient and efficient. Main sections on the profile homepage


Registration step by step:

  1. go to the link;
  2. click the Register/Login button on the top panel How to select the button on the site;
  3. fill in all the fields: email, phone, password, first name, last name, and date of birth;
  4. check the box for consent to data processing and marketing communications.Fields to fill in

Next, an email will be sent with a link to confirm the registration of the profile. Confirmation email


Login to the personal account is possible using an email. How to correctly log in to the profile:

  1. login form; Login form: enter email and password
  2. then click the "Login" button.

Login to the unified account is only possible using the customer's email; using a card number for authorization is not allowed.

Password Recovery

If you forgot your password, don't worry! At the bottom of the login form, click the "I forgot my password" button. The system will request your email. Password reset form

Possible Problems During Registration and How to Solve Them

One of the main reasons for a failed login attempt may be a server failure. This indicates that the system is undergoing maintenance or there are technical issues. As a result, access to the personal account is temporarily blocked. It is recommended to try logging in again after some time.
Currently, such problems should not occur because the test mode for logging into the personal account has long been completed. But if you entered the correct password and are 100% sure of it, then I advise you to contact customer support.

Functions of the Personal Account

You can explore the main profile options immediately after logging in. To do this, simply click on your name at the top of the screen. As for the features, they mainly involve information that is highly useful for regular customers.

List of Main Functions:

  • My Loyalty Card. Here, you can check your current points balance, and get information about available bonuses and promotions. My Loyalty Card section
  • My Coupons. View active coupons, learn about their usage conditions, and check their expiration dates. My Active Coupons section
  • My Previous Orders. This section is useful for tracking expenses and quickly reordering items you have purchased before. My Previous Orders section
  • My Shopping Lists. My Shopping Lists section
  • My Profile. Add items to lists, making shopping faster and easier, and share these lists with other users. My Profile section
  • Logout. Logging out ensures data security and prevents unauthorized access to your profile.
  • Loyalty Card Offers. Loyalty Card Offers section: 12 items out of 664
  • Grill World. This section is dedicated to products related to grilling. Grill Food Products section: 12 items out of 498
  • Online Only. View exclusive online products that are not available in physical stores. Online Only section: 12 items out of 4152

How to Delete Your Personal Account

Go to My Profile -> Account Management -> Delete Account. My Profile section on the siteHow to quickly delete an account

Technical Support

Couldn't find the answer to your question? Encountered technical difficulties? Try resolving the issue with the help of technical support. They are available for dialogue from 8 AM to 6 PM.

Mobile Application

The official mobile application OkAuchan is available for Android and iOS operating systems. More details about the functionality can be found here. You can download it by following these links: Download link for Android smartphone. Download link for iOS smartphone. OkAuchan screen


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